This is a short one in the middle of the day. I read a CNN article on the soon-to-be-held consecration of Rev. V. Gene Robinson, the approved gay bishop of the Episcopalian church in the USA. His consecration ceremony will be held soon and people will be objecting during the official part of the ceremony where they are allowed to speak up on any objection to the election. May God have His way in the ceremony. Pray hard about this. The Church of God is experiencing trial and we have to stand up for the truth of the Word of God through it all. We seriously pray for consecration in the Biblical sense of it. Objectors Expected At Gay Bishop's Consecration A few things I point out on the pro-gay section of the Episcopalian church in the article: 1. "You can't tell us we can't get married and then punish us for not being married." - I thought he had already made a covenant with God before beginning ministry. He personally decided not to get married and to keep to that covenant and also to live a holy life, not the head of the Episcopal church. Now, he puts that blame on someone else. 2. "Robinson and many of his supporters say there was no understanding of homosexuality as an 'orientation' in biblical times so those engaged in a homosexual acts were thought to be acting against their nature. 'We're asking the Bible to give us guidance about something it knew nothing about.'" - Talk about rejecting the Bible as the final Word of God! I think something's seriously wrong with these people. Pray.
Sunday, November 02, 2003
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