Life's Legalities

Wednesday, October 08, 2003


its very interesting to step out of our mould of Christian education to wonder what other people think of the issues we discuss in our Christian circles.. had a lengthy discussion with a classmate today about relationships (the romantic ones) and it was interesting to find out how she looked at the issues we usually discuss in our BGR seminars.. quite well thought out, i must say, noting the experience she personally has, but many of her perspectives differ from ours.. i must also give her credit for speaking pretty knowledgeable statements.. close to being wise, if it wasn't for the fact that Godly wisdom is the best wisdom... i've been learning to listen more and speak only when necessary even if the urge in me to speak the Christian mind (which I seriously hope is Christian, by the way) is overwhelming.. at times, it ends up halting any further discussion.. after all, its only right to speak Christianity in a way that makes people believe its sought after wisdom.. i am reminded by Charles Colson in "How Now Shall We Live?" that in Congressional meetings, Christians should speak on sound and Biblically-based public policy (laws, etc..) and make it relevant to the issue, but without always needing to assert that it is the Bible they're basing their policies on... it takes wisdom to differentiate when we should or shouldn't use the term "Bible" in everything we say.. because it may put off people.. but we must never differentiate when we should or should not speak on Biblical principles in our discussions.. that is a must always.. speak up for God..