Life's Legalities

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

yet again, God shows His mighty power.... i cannot but stand amazed at the way He does these awesome works.. today's a great example: i asked God for wisdom to do my stats paper earlier tonight (for those who don't know, a number of my papers actually start at 6 pm and some of them end at 7:30 pm.. how uncool is that?). and right into question no.3, i came stuck... i said, forget it, skip on to 4.. managed to do the rest and then go back to 3, not that the other questions had problems as well but thank God that i was able to pull through those.. and right there, as i stared at question no. 3, suddenly everything fell into place.. the graph, the statistical distribution, the mean and variance formulas.. everything!! in the blink of an eye, the things that i remembered from lectures reappeared though past year quetions had never questioned this way before! simply amazing.. and God has got all the praise for it.. for those who've been praying for me.. do remember to thank God for His guidance over my hand and mind throughout the whole exam period as well.. coming soon to an exam hall near you: Economics Unit 6, 20/6/03, the big A-level hit blockbuster (and i mean it!) enjoy the movie...