taking my sweeeeeeet time... i've been having a pretty good time back home in kuching.. been going out to visit friends, brought my friends to go and buy souvenirs, and also to church and some football with my youth fellowship earlier today (sunday), went swimming at a river and visiting the orang utans... i have also met so many faces i've not seen in a super long time.. people like brian, sarah, joanna (since primary school!), jo-ann and also the youth leaders of my church, SIB Kuching... and soon to see, deb, back from singapore.. its been a rocking time... and i hope it will still be.. got loads of other things to do.. including visiting and hopefully ministering in my sec. school ISCF, sharing in my youth fellowship, going to the rainforest world music festival (hey, its superb!), and also spending some time with God and preparing my next steps from there on.. like where to study, as well as the different things that God would want me to do in terms of my spiritual life, my college CF, and in the ministries i'm hoping to get involved in.. for those on holiday, i hope you enjoy it and use your free time wisely.. spend it with God, especially.. take your time to build relationships with friends, serve in a ministry in church or in CF, study (you'd kill me for that..haha), play football and just make sure you rest at night knowing that you've made your day useful... for those having exams soon (especially the adpians..), i wish all of you God's blessings and strive to do your best.. will be praying for all of you.. for those who are in the "none of the above" category, may you continue to put God first in your life and live each day knowing that you live to glorify God.. let every step that you take, every breath that you breathe and every move you make be actions that magnify the greatness of our King.. till then, do keep in touch.. email me or drop a line (for those in kl, its a local call to my h/p. for those in kuching, its expensive.. i'll call you all!) with you all, may the peace of God be...
Sunday, July 06, 2003
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