Website delay
Good morning from Kuala Lumpur! I'm doing this in the morning because my brother studied in my room last night. Ended pretty late so I didn't go online. Anyway, a short bit of news on my website. I put the website up online a month and a half ago, for testing purposes. I've taken in down for revamping and working on it. I'm not sure how long it'll take due to all my studies, but I guess that it may be up early next year. I might wait till I can access some form of broadband before putting up the website so that I don't spend too much money managing it. Well, there you go. A bit of news on the website (which is actually taking me a bit longer than I expected, but oh well). Just another short note. For all you real Madrid fans out there, my deepest sympathies over your loss to Sevilla yesterday. Now you really know where to invest all your money: defence. Good morning and have a great day ahead!