Negotiator rocks!!
I had a good Christmas dinner last night, with my parents' cell group and some "additionals", including Josh Tan and Simon. Glad to have them around this year. After all the food and fellowship, the "leftovers" sat down to watch our midnight matinee: The Negotiator. I've seen this movie before, but its a good one to watch again. Very exciting, keeps you on your feet kind of movie. The big rule of engagement (negotiation, not the wedding ring) is this: Never say "no". It limits options :) I've finished two of my three assignments, so I'm pretty happy about that. It takes discipline to start working, but for me, once I've started, I won't stop till I'm done. I think that's what's good in my work. My problem is always the first hurdle, but I pick up momentum fast and will be able to continue till I'm finished with the work. One more assignment to go, I hope I can finish it by Saturday (tomorrow) so that I have the whole of next week off to do some work for my dad's ministry. Busy, busy, busy. Website update: Most of the work is up, although because I will be leaving the blogger service soon, setting up the blog on my website is taking a bit of time. Plus, I plan to put things up on the website that you can download, but I'm not familiar with things like these. So I gotta learn them real soon. I'm also looking into an ad-free forum service. Pray that I find one. Lastly, my driving classes will resume on Sunday evening for three hours and then next Wednesday for another three hours. Still thinking about my resolution for next year. What to do? What to achieve? Peace, people. God bless.