Life's Legalities

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Tribute to Mahathir

Here's my tribute to the man who brought Malaysia from Third World to somewhere in between the Third and Developed, Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, who is officially a retired government servant starting tomorrow, the 31st of October 2003: "For all that you've done; the development, the vision and the achievements. For all that we remember you for: the far-sighted economic rescue plan, the Anwar incident, the controversy you've caused to the world through your speeches and the aid restriction imposed upon us by the US Senate, we nevertheless concede that there has been no other Malaysian leader as capable as you have been and you have left an undelible legacy in Malaysia's history. That is our recognition for your timeless contribution." Here are some things CNN has to say about the leader: Mahathir: A Tough Act To Follow Here are some quotes i found interesting. Read on! On accusation that he was a dictator: "This is the first dictator in the world who has resigned while still quite healthy." On his effort to create the Malaysian nation, or "Bangsa Malaysia" of racial unity-in-diversity: "There were times when I was elated with what I thought was my success. But mostly I feel disappointed, because I achieved too little result from my principal task, the task of making my race a race that is respected, a race that is honorable, a race that is highly regarded." And on free trade and an open economy: "Variety is the spice of life. The spice is fast disappearing as we stay in Hilton Hotels, eat McDonald's hamburgers, drive in a Ford car, bank with Citibank and buy our household needs from Carrefour." "Exploit us, but exploit us fairly." Thank you, Dr. M. Welcome, Pak Lah (incoming Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi)

Wednesday, October 29, 2003


hey, i was having a wash-the-dishes chat with my brother, WP (it is these times we crack crazy jokes that only we understand) but anyway, here's a short discussion we came up with (by pure impromptuness): Political Correctness in a Self-centred World WN: Thank me WP: I'm welcome Did that make any sense to you at all? Anyway, it gave us a time to think about self-centredness, how "sad" it can really become. Really, I mean, if all we're doing is "thanking" ourselves for all that someone else does and how we "welcome" ourselves from someone saying thanks to us, it just won't make sense! Well, that was just a thought for all of you. Maybe it'll help you all to recognise and remember the works others have done for you and to remember to live for others too. Hallelujah! For all of those who were praying, we praise God that out of the 13 miners stuck in the Russian coal mine, 11 have survived, 1 died and 1 is still missing. The Russians have called it a huge miracle for them, and may we all praise God! For the missing and the dead miners, may God comfort their families (and still pray that the missing one survives in the end) and also that the Russian government will finally decide to increase the safety standards of the Russian coal mines and ensure that such accidents (there were more terrible ones before this) do not happen ever again. For a good cnn dose of the incident, here's the article: Russian Miners Emerge Alive There seems to be a series of coal mine accidents lately, with another one in China that just killed 13 miners. Do pray for a change in the industry as a whole. Many of the coal miners in Russia have not even got their pay since 8 months ago and they're suffering from the sudden move of communism to capitalism in Russia. Till next time, stay tuned

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

More coal mining

hey guess what, instead of coal mining, people are now mining coal miners... anyway, the incident in Russia hasn't lighted up, but i found a success story in a Pittsburgh coal mine, where coal miners just got rescued today after being stuck for three days.. no news as to the success of the Russian incident, but continue praying for their survival.. Rescuers Reach Flooded Mine Trapped US Miners Rescued i have found, to my delight, that there are other web-based email providers that enable you to use outlook express and internet explorer to check ur mails, besides hotmail, which i use now.. and also, these email providers have got better anti virus protection, spam and junk mail policies and superb privacy policies.. looks very attractive esp. with the load of junk u get thru hotmail and the complexity of making sure u have two complete address books to make sure good mail doesn't end up in junk mail (on an exclusive filter).. if you wanna know more, just email me (using the hotmail email add).. or if u already know that such things exist, like it or not, i'm a member of the same club! here's another wonderful site i found: Vas Ist Oktoberfuss?, which tells the story of a great German Christian.. read it up! For more of the guy and his ministry, visit for the love of technology, global communication and justification by faith ALONE.. peace!

Monday, October 27, 2003

SIB Member

hey, nothing much to say today.. just that i've been doing quite a bit of reading on law lately.. and i made this discovery: reading certain areas of law is worse than reading Leviticus if you know how Leviticus is written, its all about law, and many people skip it because its boring, and we don't normally get a lot of lessons to learn if you read these things on the surface.. i mean, what does a wave offering have to do with how we live our lives today? anyway, reading the Civil Procedure Rules is just as boring, if not even more boring... but a law student's gotta do what a law student's gotta do... another thing i'd just like to mention.. i'm officially an SIB church member.. we had installation last sunday, so we (my bro and i) got a certificate and a membership card as well.. my parents were also supposed to be installed, but they were away at a church camp where my dad was speaking.. not sure how the church will work on that.. i think they should be getting their certs and cards anyhow.. just another short prayer request.. some of you may have been reading about the trapped Russian coal miners lately.. anyway, here's a cnn report: Hope For Trapped Russian Miners 13 more people left in the coal mine and should be out by Tuesday morning.. pray for the safety of the 13 miners as well as the rescuers.. people are praying in a church service at the mine on ground level.. let's pray together with them ok..goodnite

Saturday, October 25, 2003

THe Pitfalls of Hero Worship

hey all for the avid debaters of Dr. Mahathir over the past week, i thank you for your comments.. it has given me perspective on this political leader of our time and something i will surely remember as i continue to live in Malaysia (which would probably be for the rest of my life). As I was browsing over Boundless today, I came across this article: The Pitfalls Of Hero Worship I think this sums up most of the debate over Dr. M and whoever else we debate about, whether its Tony Blair, John Howard or George Bush. Let's keep our debates in perspective and not end up "worshipping" them. Once again, thank you for all your comments, both pro and against the leadership of Dr. Mahathir. It has been proven helpful in building my perspective of him and I hope it has helped you all as well. Unless we have more to say, let's move on to another topic - I'm getting bored looks from my local KL blog readers (since everyone else who tagged on Dr. M comes from Kuching, Melbourne and Oxford and myself). Just for additional reading leisure (and pleasure), here's the article Jo-Ann recommended: 15 Differences Between Guys And Girls Grace, peace and mercy to all of you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord

Thursday, October 23, 2003

9 points to 4 points

hahahahahaha..... guess what i got for econs.. a B!!.. haha.. what happened was that they gave me an extra 5 marks so i'm still short of an A ... by 4 points.. oh well.. that's ok.. i'm fine as long as i didn't get a C going to sleep soon.. got early morning meeting tomorrow.. at church for E03

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Of OIC and 9 points

yo, as i was wondering what to say today, here's what happened.. i received a call from HELP Institute.. and here's the news: my Economics Unit 5 paper just got remarked.. and then i remembered - i have only 9 points to score an A in Economics - does that mean something good is going to happen tomorrow when i go to HELP to get the marks? i dunno, but i'm praying and crossing my toes (and maybe my fingers too) and hope that it happens.. then i may be able to get another RM 1000 off on my fees in Kemayan ATC.. (and maybe pitch that in for an electric guitar i'm hoping to get) as i mentioned on the tagboard concerning Dr. Mahathir and the "anti-Semitic" statement that he made during the OIC summit last week, here's the link to the full speech: Speech By The Prime Minister Of Malaysia, The Hon. Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad do take note that you do not need to read the speech if you would not like to... i'm doing this due to the discussion posted on the tagboard as of late.. however, it is a 2-star recommendation for those who would like to understand the mind of our soon-to-retire PM and take a look at why he's one of the world's more controversial leaders over the past two decades.. also noting that he holds the record for the longest-serving elected leader in the world (i'm still verifying this fact so if anyone can tell me if this is true or not, please let me know) till tomorrow, when 9 points can make a whole lot of difference...

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

What is the Church?

interesting discussion on Dr. M going up on the tagboard.. speak your mind, but please just make sure its in line with the discussion at hand.. thank you.. I was reading an article on The Ooze today about Detoxing From Church.. go ahead and click the link to the article for a good read about what a Christian should be and how Church should be run.. but here's a quote i take from the article on what the Church is.. read it.. its age-old, but we need to be utterly reminded of it.. "What is the Church? It is a community of people who are each following Christ into his divine life and love here on earth. They are learning how to become by grace what Christ is by nature - the full and complete emptying of self in order to participate fully in God's kingdom so as to be a redemptive force that recreates all aspects of life and creation (Philippians 2:5-16; Colossians 1:19; Romans 8:19-21). The Church is a group of Christ-followers who are sent as Jesus was sent (John 20:21). In this way, the Church is the continuation of Christ's incarnation on earth. These and other biblical aspects of the Church run counter to cultural Christianity and its addictive prepackaged consumerist version of the church. Being the Church is about who I am and who I am becoming as I follow Christ individually and in a community. Being the Church is becoming like Christ so together, I and other Christ-followers may continue his incarnation on and to the world. A primary difference between being churched and being the Church is how I approach the community. Being churched assumes the organizational church is designed from the perspective that I am a consumer of religious goods and service. Therefore, I am expected to participate in the church's programs chiefly to receive and consume. It's the organization's responsibility to program, coordinate and provide what I need for my spiritual satisfaction. But being the Church requires me to take full responsibility to follow Christ and Christ alone into his life. I can't say this enough: We are to become by grace what Jesus is by nature. And he did not have an organization mediating his life and faith. He had a relationship with the Father by walking in the Spirit, expressed through a life of spiritual disciplines. Then he invites us to learn from him how to develop the same kind of intimate relationship with the Father in the same way (Matthew 11:27-30). The Christian community is then made up of Christ-followers who encourage, challenge, pray, minister, learn, honor, love and spur each other on. But it is not the community's nor the community leaders' responsibility to program or lead others into divine life. Only Christ can do that. So while my needs remain the same, I must look not to an organization, but to Christ alone to lead me into his divine life and love. I still need to worship, but I am to worship first as an individual follower of Christ daily. I am a priest, offering all of my life back to God in constant prayer, joy and thankfulness (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Then from the overflow of my personal worship, I join in corporate worship with others who also worship God on a daily basis. I still need to fellowship, but now I must actually alter my schedule and hang out with people in real ways - over meals, over coffee, at my home or theirs. This also means that there isn't a program or an event to generate fellowship. I have to initiate. I have to be prepared to discuss life and faith in real ways that encourage and build each other up. I have to be prepared to be used by Christ to pray, listen, minister, laugh, cry, confront, encourage, etc., all on the leading of the Spirit and not at the cue of a leader or scheduled time in a service. I still need discipleship and growth, but now I must walk with Christ, by grace in the Spirit through a life of spiritual discipline. I must follow Christ into a curriculum of spiritual disciplines that transforms my inner world into Christ's inner life. As such, I must study the Bible. I must pray. I must meditate. I must take my own personal retreats. I must read. I must educate myself. I must become theologically astute and spiritually vibrant. I must discover God's will for my life and not some canned version from a pastor who talks at me for 45 minutes each week. I must put the same or more energy and time into my personal faith than I do into my occupation, education, and entertainment. I still need to serve, but now I must look for the opportunities in my life. I can't enjoy the safety of a program with other Christians. I must view my entire life as service to the people I live with and live around. I must discover the poor and marginalized in my life and be Christ to them. I can't just give money to the organization to do it for me. I still need to engage in mission, but now I must actually BE a witness of Christ's eternal divine life to the people I live with, work with, play with and shop with. I must actually be a living, albeit flawed, example of divine life on earth. I must be able to say, "When you see me, you see the Father." Then I must view my family, my neighborhood, my job, and my entire life as my mission field. Not in the imperialistic way the church has done evangelism and missions, but in the winsome, educated and Spirit-led way that drew thousands to Jesus when he walked this earth. I still need to raise my children in life and faith, but now I carry the lion's share of the responsibility. As their parent, my faith and life form their faith and life. I must learn to dialogue at their level. I must lead them in prayer, in worship, in fellowship, in spiritual disciplines, in service, in mission, in play. I still need purpose for my life, but now I learn from Christ how to be like him so I can live like him - completely toward God for the sake of the world." are we Christians who are as far-reaching to the community together as a Church of God?

Drink orange juice to the glory of God

John Piper comes up with a wonderful "meditation", so to speak, from the word of God.. it extends the concept of the glory of God to our everyday lives.. and its extremely thought-provoking.. so read it up here, its a 5-star must read! How To Drink Orange Juice To The Glory Of God it really hit me.. how it is sin to eat or drink or do anything not for the glory of God.. kinda makes me wonder what I do with every second of my life.. every word, every action, every breath, every thought, every step and whether i do each and every thing for the glory of God.. of course, once we start to legalistically define every action we take, we run the risk of Pharisee-ing.. so the main idea, really, is to ensure that in everything we do, God's glory is seen through it.. an age-old principle with a really provoking, powerful yet Biblical twist for our generation... glorify the BIG GUY...

Monday, October 20, 2003

New TV star: God

here's a new TV series in the US.. its called "Joan of Arcadia" (if this is the Arcadia I know, its pretty near where i stayed in the States last time.. now that's appealing..) anyway, the series deals with the issues of life faced by a 16-year old girl where she sees God in the people she mixes with... to understand more about the story, read all about it here: Hot new TV star: God do give me ur opinion on this show.. should God be portrayed as such? will the Gospel of Christ be something people will question and be led to? will it not just be any movie but be one that will provoke our minds to think and for those who don't know Christ, to begin to wonder about our great and mighty God? i found something quite interesting with Dr. Mahathir's answers during an interview in the Star (local Malaysian newspaper) as he is soon retiring. read all about it here: Threat from within, says Dr. M here's a quote that i'd like you all to think about from the interview: "Q: Prime Minister, you have spearheaded the development of Malaysia based very much on promoting science and technology. If the OIC members can gain similarly from technological advancement, how would you overcome the fear among some Muslim communities of science and technology? A: I think it is through explanation, education and interpretation. For example, they assume that science would undermine your faith if you reveal a lot of natural phenomena that we see. Some people think that they should be a mystery. God's creation must be a mystery to us before we can believe. But actually, science reveals how much more powerful God is, because if you study science you will find that matter is created from very minute electrons and protons and the like, which accumulate to form the molecules and so on. And then we have the universe which we thought consisted of merely the sun, the moon and the stars but we found that the universe is made of many suns, and it is so huge that it will take many light years to travel from one point to another. So God's creation is actually much bigger, much more complex, much more intricate than what we used to believe before. And therefore our perception of God is that much enhanced, and apparently God is much greater than what we thought He actually is. And this should increase our faith in God. There's another thing that I always tell people: that whereas a scientist can explain to you how things happen, he cannot explain why things happen. He cannot explain, for example, why hydrogen combines with oxygen to create water. Why not some other elements? But hydrogen and oxygen make water. Why? Because that's the way God created it. We can't explain ? There is no other explanation." here's my question: if Dr. M can reiterate the power of God that would increase his faith in Allah, are we convinced that our God can do the very same things he said, and much more than that as well? And has our faith increased with such conviction? its best to remember that amongst all the power and might of our God to do amazing scientific wonders, lets always remember that that's not what God should be most remembered for: His love. No other god matches our God in this: that He would love us enough to come and die for us and thus fulfill His great plans and desire in order that He may receive the greatest glory.. keep that in mind....

Friday, October 17, 2003


everybody!! here's some big news!! the Petronas Twin Towers, our Malaysian landmark for the tallest building in the world, has finally become second highest.. if you wanna know more, check out cnn.. my daily news supply.. had a really interesting (not that great) time in the ATC sports carnival, playing football.. i'll explain more later, but for now, it'll suffice to say that we got second place.. so i now officially have a sports medal at home... the last time i was given a medal, it was for the US Spelling Bee competition, school level.. so i finally got a sports-based medal in the house..haha and now, i'm super tired.. goodnite, guys...

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Shirin Ebadi and human rights

hey all, i've been quite interested lately on the success of Shirin Ebadi.. heard of her? anyway, she is the first Iranian to have won a Nobel Peace Prize.. she has been a human rights activist in Iran, working on raising awareness on the rights of women and children in Iran.. do read a bit more about this remarkable lady here: Ms. Shirin Ebadi Wins Nobel Peace Prize Not to mention that negative reaction has been made towards her by the Iranian head of state, President Khatami and it is a governmental order not to praise Shirin Ebadi for her success on the international stage.. but she continues nonetheless.. i think one of the most appealing reasons is the fact that she was a judge (the first Iranian female judge, by the way) and directly involved with the law of Iran.. as a law student myself, i see this as a way in which i can work to achieve more for the good of the society I live in.. ok.. off from the serious note.. here's the Nobel prize spoof: the Ig Nobel Prize the Ig Nobel Prizes are awarded for weird researches and awkward reports of the things that happen around the world.. visit it here: The Ig Nobel Prize the motto of the Ig Nobel Prize is this: The Ig Nobel Prize winner has done something that first makes people LAUGH, then makes them THINK check out the Prize winners.. and laugh your heads off!! its really funny..

Chinese astronaut

hey, while yesterday i mentioned about Malaysia considering applications by citizens to undergo training in Russia and sent to space as Malaysia's first cosmonaut, just today, Asia sent her first native into outer space.. read all about it!! China Makes Space History How Would You Call A Chinese "Astronaut"? how i wish i was 21 yrs or older.. that would give me an opportunity to apply for outer space... wow... and only earlier tonight over dinner, the family was discussing how people could sell plots of land on the moon (something we found out was possible over the internet) which really boggled my youngest bro... lift off...

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

More CNN

yo, here's summore of the cool news and reviews everyone loves!! ok, not everyone.. but at least i do.. the first one is Malaysia's attempt to land a cosmonaut into outer space and the other is Time Magazine's review of Dr. Mahathir as PM of Malaysia.. eye-opening, so do have a look Wanted: Malaysia Seeks Cosmonaut Regime Change peace and good night


hey all, just gotta share some really interesting stuff i found at about midnight.. half an hour ago.. i was watching TV3 (a local tv channel) and they were showing a program called "One World Jam: A Concert For Global Harmony".. i originally thought it was one of those things where they talk about world peace, very propaganda-like stuff.. i was quite surprised at the way it was done.. anyway, what they did was to get artistes, with the likes of Chicago, Boyz II Men, Ja Rule and Sir Elton John to sing some really inspirational songs on world peace (stuff that they have already written).. to top that off, they had a speech from Nelson Mandela, a short documentary on the "Lost Boys of Sudan" and stuff like that.. anyway, what struck me was the finale.. a group of siblings under the band named Souljahz Souljahz is a Christian band of three siblings from California and in that performance, they sang the song "All Around The World".. some of you have probably heard of the band, but here's my point: they're Christian.. almost strictly into the CCM ministry (if i'm not mistaken) and yet having the recognition enough to land them with the likes of some of the world's most famous artistes.. and they got the finale slot.. You can read about Souljahz from Christianity Today.. click here: Souljahz many times we look at the Grammys or the Oscars and how people just say "I thank God" or "I thank Jesus Christ" so often Rosie O' Donnell makes a big joke out of it.. that's using God's name in vain.. in simple terms.. but here, we have a classic example of Christians in the role of people promoting peace and harmony, able to voice a Godly sound into the airwaves... that speaks more than the sex, love, drugs, anger-related musicians just "thanking God" for their success.. that's the way we Christians should be.. make the impact in our world today.. and then, let them know that we're doing this for God and let them eventually "praise our Father in heaven" (Matt 5:16).. that way, our actions, our speech, our thoughts are all in line with giving God the glory... i'll end with Matthew 5:16 - "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." go get 'em

Monday, October 13, 2003

Here's a dissenting Californian

haha.. when i asked you all who are of voting age to remember to vote, i managed to find one from the US of A... a voter in California, and guess what.. she happened to have voted during the Gray Davis recall election (the one that got Arnie up as governor after sacking former governor Gray Davis) anyway, a short quote from the fellow voter: "No way! I cannot believe that California voted him into office. It's embarrassing!" so there you go.. someone who wasn't voting for Arnold Schwarzenegger... have a great day..

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Pre-Monday blues

hey all, i'm back...muahahahahaha anyway, had a really busy day today.. in fact all my weekends are really busy nowadays.. classes on saturday, church on sunday, E03 facilitators' training (by the way, E03 is my church's youth conference.. really big one.. visit it at E03) so yeah, busy busy busy... in fact, now there's not much time left for a lot of other stuff.. my life goes back to books and studies, and some church activities.. but all's good.. really good.. it really tests your sense or priorities.. and i'm playing midfielder in the ATC Sports Carnival this friday... the sports carnival should be on (there's speculation that it may not happen.. ah well.) .. the team has already bought our jerseys (the pirated ones from petaling street..haha) and we've been playing on weekly basis.. started last week (the one in the rain, remember? hehe) anyway, hoping to get my football skills polished in time.. learnt a good lesson on faith this morning in church too, about Rahab, the prostitute in the Bible and how she was commended for her faith.. read Hebrews 11:31.. its really cool.. the sermon was entitled "the Rahab Principles", and no, pastor didn't talk about prostitution... rather, he shows us that Rahab had indeed changed from her prostitution to a new life and beginning.. that was really cool.. u wanna know more? email me..haha ok, keep the peace, ya'll..

Wednesday, October 08, 2003


hey all, here's some juicy news that most of you would probably know before u read this: Schwarzenegger is California's new governor i've been told that that's a pretty interesting idea.. that a bodybuilder-turned-actor (terminator, kindergarten cop, last action hero, ) could become a governor of one of the world's most popular states (not to mention having to rebuild its failing economy).. well, like they say, anything can happen in the US..haha here are a few articles on this i found: Schwarzenegger wins in California Schwarzenegger wins election that comes amidst the fact that a porn actress, a porn mag founder, and a host of other crazy characters had also joined in the 135 candidates for the election, so thank God we didn't see California fall into the hands of some really questionable people.. oh, just as a reminder.. please exercise your right to vote.. haha


its very interesting to step out of our mould of Christian education to wonder what other people think of the issues we discuss in our Christian circles.. had a lengthy discussion with a classmate today about relationships (the romantic ones) and it was interesting to find out how she looked at the issues we usually discuss in our BGR seminars.. quite well thought out, i must say, noting the experience she personally has, but many of her perspectives differ from ours.. i must also give her credit for speaking pretty knowledgeable statements.. close to being wise, if it wasn't for the fact that Godly wisdom is the best wisdom... i've been learning to listen more and speak only when necessary even if the urge in me to speak the Christian mind (which I seriously hope is Christian, by the way) is overwhelming.. at times, it ends up halting any further discussion.. after all, its only right to speak Christianity in a way that makes people believe its sought after wisdom.. i am reminded by Charles Colson in "How Now Shall We Live?" that in Congressional meetings, Christians should speak on sound and Biblically-based public policy (laws, etc..) and make it relevant to the issue, but without always needing to assert that it is the Bible they're basing their policies on... it takes wisdom to differentiate when we should or shouldn't use the term "Bible" in everything we say.. because it may put off people.. but we must never differentiate when we should or should not speak on Biblical principles in our discussions.. that is a must always.. speak up for God..

Tuesday, October 07, 2003


after ages since getting involved, finally i did only to realise, rain it did nevertheless, persevered i did how's that.. i know its really bad.. hehe.. so yeah, its been a long time since i did it.. maybe about a month and a half ago.. and so today, i took the liberty to do it once again.. got a group of friends and we had a great time together.. in the rain summore.. shouted at each other, laughed at each other's antics and mistakes.. and just had plain good fun.. its a good antidote after all the tutorial classes today.. stress-relieving, physically demanding, but we did it nevertheless... am i talking sense to you all? anyway, from 5-7:20 pm today, we played FOOTBALL.... muahahaha g'nite guys..

Monday, October 06, 2003


Church sermon today: The Process of Transition (taken from Joshua 1:1-9) as i sat listening to the sermon, i realised so much how the process of transition between Moses and Joshua (and also Elijah and Elisha) had all the realtime effects with the handover of the CF presidency to Jonathan Lee, the now HELP Institute CF president... so many parts of that sermon just reflected itself as i pondered on the transition in the CF.. how new methodology, mindsets and etc.. need to be implemented and it was time someone with that capability took over.. just to take that a step further, i look at Kemayan ATC CF and realise, it does need a transition.. a change in its methodology, mindset from an old to a new paradigm... that kinda thing.. and maybe that's why God placed me there rather than overseas, amongst other reasons.. some of the guys in the ATC CF have mentioned that i was an answer to their prayers (not I specifically, but rather new younger members, because the current ones were third year or CLP students, finishing by mid 2004) and i've already been pulled in to help out in the christmas carolling.. i see many needs in the CF, and i desire to see what God wants me to do as i serve in the CF there.. i'm in no way whatsoever regretting any move in the transition of responsibility to Jon, because i believe God has His awesome plans working out well.. in fact, i applaud jon for taking up this position.. i feel its about time i move on to something new.. i've done my work in HELP, i'm going to new fields.. so to speak.. let God guide and lead me on.. i guess it works the same for many of you.. has God got new things for you to do? if so, let Him lead you out of the present and into the new.. if He has got things He still wants you to do in your present situation of service, by all means, serve Him there with all you heart... if you haven't realised, i've been pondering over the transition quite a bit, managing and coming up with thoughts and stuff.. what's God got for me to do now? its a sense of nostalgia mixed with anticipation for what's in store for me.. that's it.. i've got my vocab straightened out..haha.. sometimes people say you can put feelings into words.. i managed to do it this time round.. "a sense of nostalgia mixed with anticipation".. God is leading.. are you following?

Sunday, October 05, 2003

A Nu Thang

hey all.. surprised?? i've been playing around with the html of the blog page.. here's what i came up with.. please let me know how it can be improved.. if in any case its nothing like the original, don't worry.. the original code is still with me..hehe God bless

Saturday, October 04, 2003

Long time ago

Long time ago Some guy posted a blog entry And only a long time later The same guy posts this blog entry how's my poetry coming along? haha just a short announcement, I've officially handed over my responsibility of being the HELP Institute CF president to my (former) vice-president. Just wanted to remember to praise God for everything that He has led me through, the ups and downs, right and lefts, centers and not-so-centers of CF ministry in HELP Institute. I'm now serving in the Kemayan ATC CF, playing the guitar (its almost always starts the same way.. i was playing guitar first in HELP CF too) and preparing for the CF's annual carolling performance in college. Its going to be exciting stuff.. we're working on a "Pay It Forward" -style of sharing the love of God and as a publicity stint for carolling too.. if you guys haven't seen "Pay It Forward" starring the little kid (now not so little anymore) Haley Joel Osment, grab the opportunity to watch it when you can. I haven't either..hehe.. but I've heard good reviews.. Studies are so far going fine.. the workload is pretty heavy, but doing ok so far.. praise God for that too.. ok, guess i'll stop here now.. sorry for being so late, hope you're all doing good too may we "share the peace" with one another (an interesting term i learnt at a lutheran service on ps. sivin's ordination.. funky stuff)